Posts Tagged ‘natural medicine’
Non-Toxic Alternatives to Chemical Sunscreen
We hear so much about the dangers of sun exposure, that using sunscreen is ingrained in our culture. But what is now coming to light, is the danger of chemical sunscreens. They contain cancer-causing ingredients, and prevent the manufacture of Vitamin D, the deficiency of which is at the root of yes….Cancer, Alzheimers, Depression, Osteoporosis,…
Read MoreThe 3 Causes of Illness: The Invisible Cause
This is the final blog of the series about the three causes of illness. So far, I have covered inheritance and constitution. Now I will explore the trigger for illness, which in many cases is often invisible. The trigger or underlying cause could be an event or ongoing stressor – physical, mental or emotional. Physical Causes of…
Read MoreOutsmart Hay Fever with Homeopathy
Most people long for spring to arrive, as a welcome and joyful release from the cold and dark of winter. And that is certainly the case for me as I write, drinking up the sunshine coming through my window. But for one in four people who gets hay fever, spring is a time of…
Read MoreTake the Pain out of Periods with Homeopathy
If you suffer with bad period pain, you don’t need me to tell you how seriously it affects the quality of your life. And if you don’t, and perhaps wonder what all the fuss is about, then let me tell you, I have met women who have screamed, vomited, rolled on the floor or fainted with…
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