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Homeopathy for relationship problems

  • Do you find it difficult to say ‘no’?
  • Do you tend to sacrifice what you want, to keep others happy?
  • Do you avoid confronting people when they've upset you?
  • Are you being controlled or bullied, and can't put a stop to it?

If so, then likely one or more of your relationships is causing you significant stress. You can use homeopathy for relationship problems. And when you combine it with coaching, you can create deep and lasting change. My qualifications and experience, both as a homeopath and a coach, make me ideally placed to offer this powerful combination.

Relationship problems affect your health

Relationships are not easy: finding the balance between looking after your own needs and other people's, can be tricky. For me, it's been a life-long journey, and I'm still working on it.  Sometimes you can get caught in relationships, which cause a lot of stress. Studies show that relationship problems can have many negative effects on your health, including anxiety, depression, weight gain, insomnia, digestive problems, and heart disease.

Homeopathy and coaching for relationship problems

I guess you may be asking how homeopathy can change a relationship. Well it can't. What it can do, though, is change you, and the way you behave. And your new behaviour changes the relationship. In addition to homeopathy, I use coaching to help my clients understand their relationships and how to communicate better. So the homeopathic remedies create change from the inside out, and coaching from the outside in.

Cases of relationship problems helped by homeopathy

I've seen amazing things happen in my clients' relationships thanks to homeopathy and coaching. Below are a few stories, and there are more in my clients' own words on the Success Stories page.

Finding true love

L was struggling with whether she should stay with or leave her boyfriend. She was so anxious and down, she was on the edge of taking anti-depressants. Within three months of starting homeopathy, she had left the relationship, met her husband-to-be, and three months after that, was pregnant with a longed-for child. Hear her tell her story in her own words on the Success Stories page.

Saying 'no'

G struggled with saying ‘no’, often ignoring her own needs in order to please, or not offend, others. As a result she was overwhelmed, anxious, often suffering panic attacks, insomnia and digestive issues. Homeopathy enabled her to say no to her boss and colleagues, when they asked too much of her, and to her friends when she needed space. Also her sleep and digestion improved.

Confronting a bully

J was being verbally attacked, and denigrated to her colleagues, by someone at work. She was extremely anxious, angry, and unable to sleep. Nonetheless, she could not bring herself to challenge her colleague. The right homeopathic remedies helped her find the strength to confront the person and tell her to stop.

Free Discovery Call

A free 20 minute call for you to find out how homeopathy could help you,
and what to expect from working with me.

Letting go & moving on

L had just broken up with her boyfriend. She felt abandoned, rejected, angry and hurt, and was finding it very difficult to let go of him. Homeopathy helped her find peace, so that she was able to move on, which in her own words felt like a "massive weight [had been] lifted"

Escape from abuse

N was stuck in a marriage with a violent and highly controlling husband. The remedies helped her to find the inner strength to leave and make a new life for herself. 

Breaking the pattern
F had a history of love relationships where she was betrayed, let down or rejected. And now that she was at last in a good relationship, she was terrified he was going to leave her, or that it was not going to work out in some way. Within a month of starting homeopathic treatment though, her boyfriend asked her to marry him. 
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Sarah Davison 
The Coaching Homeopath

BSc (First Class Hons) Hom, LCHE,
RHom, MARH, Dip. Psych, BA.
07850 519373

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