Feel like yourself again, naturally
Thanks so much for your interest in Flourish. I’m Sarah, Natural Menopause Expert, Homeopath and author of the programme.
I’ve called this programme FLOURISH, because that’s our focus here - feel better physically and emotionally, so that you can get back your zest for life and follow your dreams.

Problem #1: You just don’t feel like yourself & can’t work out how to feel better without synthetic hormones
As if you didnt have enough on your plate already, now you have to deal with symptoms like exhaustion, anxiety, mood swings, weight gain, hot flushes, insomnia, brain fog and painful joints etc.
You don’t want to take HRT if you can avoid it, but figuring out on your own how to feel better naturally is really hard, because there’s a maze of information out there, and you don’t know what to trust.
You may have tried some ‘menopause’ herbs: but either they did nothing, or any improvement was short-lived and then you were back to square one.
Even changing your diet and upping your exercise did nothing to shift your weight gain or your energy levels. And it’s so frustrating because you just don’t understand why!!
THE ANSWER: Identify your unique healing path to feeling like yourself again without HRT, by pinpointing the hidden causes of your menopause symptoms - the ones that your doctor doesn’t acknowledge or even know about.
- You’ll start by learning how the healthy function of your adrenals and liver is critical to a good menopause. And you’ll use the ‘Menopause Metric’ to assess how yours are doing, and to what extent they are contributing to your symptoms.
- Then you’ll learn how to strengthen these organs through diet and lifestyle, so you can start to feel better.
- In ‘Your Menopause Roadmap Session’, we’ll spend an hour on Zoom together looking at your assessment results, so I can identify your unique healing path through the programme, and which homeopathic medicines will get the best results for you.
THE RESULT: You'll identify the hidden causes of your symptoms and your unique path to feeling better naturally

Problem #2: Your symptoms are making daily life a real struggle
Whether you’re so tired you’re dragging yourself through the day; or flushes are making you into a hot, sweaty mess; or you can’t think straight because of minimal sleep and brain fog, life is a struggle and you don’t feel human.
You worry about the effect of your symptoms on your work and your loved ones, but you push through because you have to. And you dread that this is what the rest of your life is going to be like!
THE ANSWER: Learn about the 3 key levers that you can use on a daily basis to help yourself feel better naturally, without any drugs
- NUTRITION is the very first thing you need to get right to feel better. Without it, nothing else will work. It’s the bedrock of mental and physical health. But what worked before menopause may not now, because your food needs have changed. So we’ll start by looking at dietary do’s and don'ts during menopause with the help of our guest Menopause Nutritionist Julie.
- SLEEP is next. Again, if your sleep is bad, then it’s going to be very hard to feel better. So you’ll learn the ‘Sleep Secrets’, which will set you up for a good night’s kip.
- MOVEMENT in menopause is particularly important if you are to maintain strong bones, feel better, and stay healthy longterm. You’ll find the right type of movement for your energy levels in your Roadmap Session with me. If they’re low, then ‘The Gentle 3’ will give you an experience of 3 different, meno-specific movement classes, that will relax and energise, but not exhaust you.

THE RESULT Having implemented the 3 core levers of diet, sleep and movement, you’ll wake up with better, more sustained energy, and feel calmer and more in control. In fact more like your old Self again.
Problem #3: Your emotions are all over the place
Whether you’re anxious about little things, or your fuse is short, or you’re bursting into tears at the drop of a hat, you don’t recognise yourself.
You feel like you’re barely holding it all together, and it’s affecting your confidence at work and your relationships at home.
THE ANSWER: Learn to better manage internally-generated sources of stress and calm yourself when you need to, so that a more confident you can re-emerge.
- THOUGHTS & BELIEFS can be a huge source of stress. So our Imposter Syndrome Coach, Caroline, will give you strategies to deal with the negative voice in your head, so you can reduce your stress levels, and rebuild your confidence.
- MINDFULNESS is a quick and concrete strategy to feel calm again when you’re losing control. Our guest Mindfulness Expert, Laura, will teach you a Mindfulness practice, so that you can manage runaway emotions.
- RELATIONSHIPS are one of the biggest sources of stress. From me you’ll learn how to deal with the difficult ones, as well as how to say ‘no’, so you can stop running around after everyone else’s needs but your own.

THE RESULT: A calmer more confident you. You’ll have the tools and techniques to manage your emotions and internally-generated sources of stress.
- Some big aha’s about the hidden causes of your symptoms and what you can do about them
- A unique, mapped-out healing path to feeling better naturally
- Instead of feeling like a victim of your hormones, you’ll take back control of your health, and reclaim your energy, wellbeing, and zest for life
- A toolbox of techniques to feel calm and confident on a daily basis
- A menu of practical healing and self-care approaches that will help you live your best life for the rest of your life!

Flourish is not suitable for everyone. But if the below criteria are in place, you are likely a good fit and to be successful on the programme:
- You just don’t feel like yourself physically or emotionally thanks to peri/menopause
- You feel strongly about navigating menopause naturally and are willing to do what it takes to feel like yourself again, which includes a min of 2-3 hours a week
- You have no chronic emotional issues going on, like grief, trauma (old or new), depression, or a toxic relationship etc.
- You have no chronic physical health conditions
OK so how do I join Flourish?
Book in for a 30 minute Curiosity Call
where we’ll work out if the programme is right for you.