Homeopathy at your fingertips with a kit

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A free 20 minute call for you to find out how homeopathy could help you, and what to expect from working with me.
As we enter the season of colds and flus, there is no better investment than a homeopathy kit. It has come in useful for so many of my clients. Take the woman who, out of the blue, had a terrible attack of cystitis. She was able (with a bit of help from me) to take the indicated remedy from her kit. Within a few hours she had recovered. Another client went down with a horrible cough. Again, she was able to take the remedy she needed, without having to wait 24-48 hours for the homeopathic pharmacy to deliver it. For both of them, having a kit put homeopathy at their fingertips, and thus ensured a quick recovery. So when local chemists stock few, if any homeopathic remedies, and it takes a day or more for remedies to come in the post, owning a kit is a no-brainer.
Which kit and where?
So where to get one? If you don’t have any kit of any kind, then I would recommend the Ainsworth’s 42-remedy Essential Kit. However, if you already have the Helios 18 kit, but would like to expand it to cover more eventualities, then you can buy the other 18 that complete their 36-remedy kit and handily, it can be inserted into your current kit. In both cases, the cost works out at about £1 per remedy.
NB If you live in the UK, due to licensing rules, you cannot order these kits online. You must either buy them in the shop, or order over the phone.
Here are the phone numbers:
Ainsworth’s: 01883 340332
Helios: 01892 537254
Free Discovery Call
A free 20 minute call for you to find out how homeopathy could help you,
and what to expect from working with me.