Mental Health
Homeopathic treatment and the bonus effect
What is the bonus effect in homeopathy? It’s when you get more than you bargained…in a good way, from homeopathic treatment. It happens because homeopathy treats the whole person, not just isolated symptoms. As a result, people often find that things they didn’t ask for help with also improve e.g. sleep, energy, even relationships and career. I…
Read MoreDeeper healing with homeopathy
The crash landing scene in Madagascar 2 involves the character Skipper being alerted to a flashing, red light on the cockpit dashboard. He asks for the instruction manual in order, we think, to find out what it means. But instead, he uses it to smash the light, saying triumphantly, “Problemo solved!” The camera then pans…
Read MoreWebinar: Beat Stress & Boost Vitality with Homeopathy
Homeopathy: Healing Inherited Trauma
How much do you know about your parents and grandparents, and their life experiences? If you visit a homeopath, you will be asked to find out. Because what the field of epigenetics is just discovering, has long been known to homeopaths: That the experiences of our forebears can affect our physical and mental health, generations…
Read MoreHomeopathy for Winter Blues
“The world is half empty. I get negative and irritable …with the cat, with myself, with my husband.”. Marilyn, who came to me for homeopathy, found the winters really difficult. The snow, ice and freezing temperatures made it hard for her to get out and walk. And without the sunshine and exercise, she got depressed.…
Read MoreNatural Stress Management with Homeopathy
According to the Mental Health Foundation, nearly half of all adults feel stressed every day. Worryingly, 18% are reaching for the bottle, and 10% the cigarettes to alleviate stress. Of course the survey doesn’t ask how many are self-medicating with sugar and caffeine. What’s interesting though, is only 6% are going to their GP about…
Read MoreThe Hidden Causes of Stress
Who hasn’t complained of feeling stressed? It’s such a common complaint, a badge of honour almost, to the extent that saying you are stressed has all but lost its impact. The hidden causes of stress are many. And the hidden effects can be clearly seen in stats from the Faculty of Public Health, which found that, 43% of…
Read MoreHomeopathy and the Mind-Body Connection
In the US, more people die on Monday at 9 am of cardiovascular accidents than at any other time. And according to another study, depression has the same effect on life expectancy as smoking. It is hard to dispute the connection between mind and body in the face of statistics like these. Yet our…
Read MoreHomeopathic Remedies for Travelling
Are you looking forward to your summer holiday? Are you having visions of soaking up the sun, swimming, balmy nights? Yes, me too. However, I bet what you are not thinking about is jet-lag, sunburn, mosquito bites, treading on sea urchins, jelly-fish stings, or getting a tummy bug. Yet these are all too common. And…
Read MoreStress & IBS Helped By Homeopathy
As the most common functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorder worldwide, which is suffered by one in five people in the UK, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a major health issue particularly for women: 60% to 65% of sufferers are female. There is little known about this syndrome, although it is commonly acknowledged that stress plays a…
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