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Vaginal Dryness – Homeopathic Solutions during Menopause
Vagina. There, I said it! It’s still a taboo word, despite “The Vagina Monologues” and our society’s growing openness about matters sexual. But when it comes to menopause, when asked the symptoms, most people without experience of it would probably say “hot flushes, night sweats and mood swings”. But vaginal dryness, though it affects 45%…
Read MoreStress & IBS Helped By Homeopathy
As the most common functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorder worldwide, which is suffered by one in five people in the UK, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a major health issue particularly for women: 60% to 65% of sufferers are female. There is little known about this syndrome, although it is commonly acknowledged that stress plays a…
Read MoreStories Of Anxiety Helped By Homeopathy
What do David Beckham, Johnny Depp, Emma Stone, Kate Moss, Carmen Diaz, Scarlett Johansen, Charlize Theron, Adele, Kim Basinger, and Marilyn Munroe all have in common, apart from being celebrities? An anxiety disorder. Most of us know what it is to feel anxious or fearful before an exam or an interview while speaking in public,…
Read MoreDepression Helped by Homeopathy
What To Look For And How To Treat Depression Naturally. Question: What is the leading cause of disability worldwide? And what will one in four women require treatment for at some stage in their life, especially if they are divorced or separated? Answer: Depression. It is a condition that can be difficult to spot, perhaps…
Read MoreTruth or Lies: Homeopathy Explained
Homeopathy excites a lot of controversy, particularly around the issue of evidence. It is so easy to believe the media’s oft repeated lie that there is no evidence. But if you are prepared to dig a little deeper for the truth, you will find that there is evidence – gold standard evidence for the efficacy…
Read MoreHomeopathy for Grief
When I was 15, I was watching a film with my Mother about a woman who had just lost her husband. To my surprise, my Mother started to sob uncontrollably. She had lost my Father to a plane crash 15 years earlier. While grief is normal and a necessary process and different people do it…
Read MoreInsomnia – Homeopathy The Natural Solution
Trouble sleeping? You are not alone. 75% of women report sleep problems, according to The Great British Sleep Survey. Lack of sleep affects our health, relationships, and productivity. And people who suffer from sleep deprivation are twice as likely to suffer from depression. In fact, the potentially fatal consequences of sleep deprivation were highlighted recently by Arianna…
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