Digestive Problems
3 tips for reducing hot flushes naturally
When Helen first came to see me she was having multiple hot flushes a day, often triggered by feeling stressed or upset. Then once she got to bed, she was waking several times, drenched in sweat and unable to get back to sleep. But more about Helen later… A major cause of menopausal hot flushes…
Read MorePerimenopause Hell Escape with Homeopathy
A case of premenstrual symptoms in perimenopause Anna was 44 when she came to see me. She was really struggling with pre-menstrual symptoms: She had headaches and sore, swollen breasts; felt so exhausted and weak she could barely get out of bed; her belly was bloated and painful; and she was extremely irritable, with outbursts…
Read More5 Things You Didn’t Know You Didn’t Know About Being a Woman in Your 40’s Because of Taboo
It’s taboo. The scourge of women. The robber of youth and beauty. The beginning of the end…well that’s if you buy into our culture’s belief that your only value as a woman is being young and beautiful. What is it? The menopause. No wonder most women know so little about menopause. Why would they want…
Read MoreThe 3 Causes of Illness: The Invisible Cause
This is the final blog of the series about the three causes of illness. So far, I have covered inheritance and constitution. Now I will explore the trigger for illness, which in many cases is often invisible. The trigger or underlying cause could be an event or ongoing stressor – physical, mental or emotional. Physical Causes of…
Read MoreHomeopathic treatment and the bonus effect
What is the bonus effect in homeopathy? It’s when you get more than you bargained…in a good way, from homeopathic treatment. It happens because homeopathy treats the whole person, not just isolated symptoms. As a result, people often find that things they didn’t ask for help with also improve e.g. sleep, energy, even relationships and career. I…
Read MoreWebinar: Beat Stress & Boost Vitality with Homeopathy
Homeopathy: Healing Inherited Trauma
How much do you know about your parents and grandparents, and their life experiences? If you visit a homeopath, you will be asked to find out. Because what the field of epigenetics is just discovering, has long been known to homeopaths: That the experiences of our forebears can affect our physical and mental health, generations…
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